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 Chronological Resume Outline

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Mafia Princess
Mafia Princess

Number of posts : 6818
Registration date : 2008-03-09

Chronological Resume Outline Empty
PostSubject: Chronological Resume Outline   Chronological Resume Outline Icon_minitimeMon Sep 08, 2008 4:46 am

Job Seeker's First and Last Name
Street Address - City, State ZIP
Telephone Number - Email Address


Compose three to five sentences emphasizing your key capabilities and unique experience, with an emphasis on results.


Most Recent Job Title, City, State
(Month Year to Month Year)

Brief overview of the position's responsibilities

Focus on the results of your actions, not just your responsibilities. Include buzzwords

Previous Job Title, company City, State
(Month Year - Month Year)

Keep position summaries short. A potential employer is scanning your résumé to see if you merit an interview—clear and concise is ideal.

As a general rule, the amount of information—both summaries and bullets—beneath each position should decrease as you move toward older assignments.
Earlier Job Title, Yet Another company City, State
(Month Year - Month Year)


MBA, University (Most recent degree goes on top) BA, College, 2002
GPA only if it is above 3.5, Honors Received (e.g. magna cum laude or Dean's List)


This optional section can be used to enhance your summary and experience while highlighting specific qualifications that are either required for a particular job or are unique about you.


Professional memberships and volunteer work show your commitment to your industry and community.
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