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 Thank you letters after interviews

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Mafia Princess
Mafia Princess

Number of posts : 6818
Registration date : 2008-03-09

Thank you letters after interviews Empty
PostSubject: Thank you letters after interviews   Thank you letters after interviews Icon_minitimeMon Sep 08, 2008 4:55 am

I know many of you may find this dorky but I have actually thanked someone for an interview and it helped me get the job. It kept me fresh in their mind and they knew I was truly interested in the position.

Your first and last name
Mailing Address
City, State ZIP
Telephone Number(s)
Email Address

Current Date

Prospective Employer
Professional Title
Company Name
Mailing Address


Begin by thanking the interviewer for taking the time to talk with you.
Repeat your interest in the position by pointing out specific issues discussed during the interview. This is also an opportunity to mention any key skills or capabilities that might have been overlooked during your conversation.

The closing should include another reference to your appreciation and an offer to provide more information if necessary. Let the reader know that you are looking forward to the next steps, and that you're confident you'd be an asset to the company.


Your Name

Extra Tips:

Send your thank-you letter within 24 hours of the actual interview. The quicker the letter arrives, the greater the likelihood of creating a positive and lasting impression. If you interview with multiple individuals, make sure each thank-you letter is unique. Employers are more than likely to compare notes. Keep letter short and to the point. Express enthusiasm for the position.
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