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 What type of work do you do? :)

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6 posters

Number of posts : 460
Location : Ohio
Registration date : 2008-05-06

What type of work do you do?  :) Empty
PostSubject: What type of work do you do? :)   What type of work do you do?  :) Icon_minitimeWed Oct 01, 2008 9:47 pm

Hey everyone!

Just curious what type of work everyone on here does, at home or out-of-the-home? Many of us are fortunate to just have atleast one job these days, but if you have more than one job, tell all of us about that one too. We would love to hear about any and all jobs that the Mafia members have! :)

We are all good at certain things and we all have individual talents and skills. I think it will be interesting to see the wide-range of talented folks that we have here on the Mafia.

Don't worry about being specific about companies that you work for....don't want anyone to break any contracts....just tell us about your general job title and/or job description.

Also, if it is a job that you snagged right here from the Mafia site, go ahead and mention that too! We love seeing good results from all of the hard work that the Mafia Princess puts in finding great leads for us and it's always encouraging to hear that someone found a job from a lead posted on here!!!!!

Hope to hear from everyone!!! :)
Thanks for your input!!! :)

Last edited by $MoMMy$MoNey$ on Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:48 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : :))
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Number of posts : 460
Location : Ohio
Registration date : 2008-05-06

What type of work do you do?  :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What type of work do you do? :)   What type of work do you do?  :) Icon_minitimeWed Oct 01, 2008 10:01 pm

I guess I will go first! lol :)

Here's what I do.....I'm always looking for something!
Data Entry Associate- I do some IC data entry work.
Medical Reports Proofreader/Editor- I do this less than part-time.
ChaCha Guide- I do this when I am available.
Medical Site Reviewer- I do this as needed when opps come up in my area.
Not a regular thing.
Moderator- On the Mafia site!!!!! :)

I have a few blogs and I hope to start making money with blogging.
I try to do some GPT stuff too when I need extra cash.

Nothing I do is full-time. Everything is mostly as-needed/as available. I like the flexibility of that but I hope to find something more consistant after the little ones are both in school......for now I just try to make extra money when I can.

What do you do to make money?
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Number of posts : 43
Location : TX
Registration date : 2008-08-02

What type of work do you do?  :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What type of work do you do? :)   What type of work do you do?  :) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 03, 2008 4:51 am

I mostly do Get Paid to sites (paid to click, sign up, survey sites, search to win, paid to blog) those types of sites mostly.
I go to college full time so I don't really do much of the more serious work at home jobs. The paid to sites are more flexible for me...I can work on them in the middle of the night if I wish.

It works for me since I make over $100 a month for pretty much doing nothing.
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Number of posts : 460
Location : Ohio
Registration date : 2008-05-06

What type of work do you do?  :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What type of work do you do? :)   What type of work do you do?  :) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 03, 2008 10:00 pm

Thanks for telling us about what you do to make money, MsFit!
I agree that going to college full-time doesn't allow for much time for the serious work at home jobs....but get-paid-to sites are a nice, flexible way to bring in some extra cash and the same goes for blogging.

Thanks for your input! :)
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Mama K
Mama K

Number of posts : 45
Location : NC
Registration date : 2008-06-02

What type of work do you do?  :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What type of work do you do? :)   What type of work do you do?  :) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 04, 2008 6:35 pm

I did GPT sites over the summer when I had time to do so, but not much now. I'm with ChaCha and with Weegy. As well as MsFit, I'm in college full time as well and just finding little eggs that have flexibility.
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Number of posts : 4
Location : PA
Registration date : 2008-10-04

What type of work do you do?  :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What type of work do you do? :)   What type of work do you do?  :) Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2008 9:46 pm

I have been doing some freelance admin work. I work part/full time out of the home - I have flexible hours so it can be part time if I want/need it to be. I am doing WAH stuff part-time but I am hoping to make it full time!!

Oh yeah, also going to college part-time. Didnt take the chance to go when I was younger so I am still in search of that bachelor degree.
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Mafia Princess
Mafia Princess

Number of posts : 6818
Registration date : 2008-03-09

What type of work do you do?  :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What type of work do you do? :)   What type of work do you do?  :) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 06, 2008 1:05 am

It's interesting to see just exactly what type of work people are doing. Great way to show how many other options there are other then the basic 3-4 types.
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Number of posts : 460
Location : Ohio
Registration date : 2008-05-06

What type of work do you do?  :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What type of work do you do? :)   What type of work do you do?  :) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 06, 2008 3:54 am

I agree, Mafia Princess!
Thanks to everyone who posted! :)

I think it is very interesting to see what everyone on here is up to in their working in-the-home and/or out-of-the-home ventures.

We've got some talented mafioso members here at the Mafia! :)

I am just amazed at some of you who are full-time mommies, wives, college students and still managing to find ways to make money online to help support your families! You guys Rock!!!!!! That takes a lot of dedication to pull it all off and make it work.......you will be rewarded for all of your hard work before long!!!! :)


We need to just have the Mafia Princess start a recruiting biz right here off of the Mafia for employers looking for talented hard workers! We've got sooooo many talented members on here that all offer a wide range of skills and talents.....an employer would be able to find the perfect employee/contractor they need right here!!!! lol (*Wink....Seriously!*) Everything from transcriptionists to bookkeepers to data entry professionals to proofreaders to website/software gurus to bloggers to customer service reps to recruiters and everything in between!!!!!! :)

The Talented Team Mafia! :)

So, What's everyone else up to? Let the Mafia know! :)
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Number of posts : 128
Age : 51
Location : Nebraska
Registration date : 2008-05-07

What type of work do you do?  :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What type of work do you do? :)   What type of work do you do?  :) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 06, 2008 11:22 am

Here is some of what I do:

Payroll Administrator ~ 30-35 hrs outside the home
Data Entry ~ IC work for TDEC, about 20 hrs a week when there is project
GPT sites ~ when I'm in the mood for them
ChaCha ~ whenever I can
Weegy ~ just started this one

I also have a couple of blogs, but haven't put enough time towards them to make some $$ on them. I'm a single mom with two kids, so I do what I can when there is some time! I'm always looking for something new though!
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Number of posts : 460
Location : Ohio
Registration date : 2008-05-06

What type of work do you do?  :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What type of work do you do? :)   What type of work do you do?  :) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 06, 2008 1:21 pm

Wow! It really sounds like you have a full plate! You have some really nice opportunities going on for yourself. I know exactly what you mean by doing GPT when you're in the mood for them and ChaCha whenever you have extra time......sometimes it seems like there just isn't enough hours in the day for the extras! Especially in your case, being a single mom of 2, I'm sure that sometimes you are just way too busy to think about blogging and GPT! By the way, you have some nice blogs! :)
Thanks for telling us about your jobs, msdmg! :)

What about all the other mafioso members? What type of work do you do? mafia rules!
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What type of work do you do?  :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What type of work do you do? :)   What type of work do you do?  :) Icon_minitime

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What type of work do you do? :)
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